Global Parameters in Revit are a hidden gem. Global Parameters can drive other parameters or set a global function for dimensions. In space planning, Global Parameters may be used to calculate and hold an overall area, or set values for other dimensions.
For example, the client wants a 10,000 square foot area, but is unsure of the configuration. The designer could try and calculate all of the different possibilities for a 10,000 square foot space. Difficult and time-consuming! By setting dimensions for the length and width, we can control the area using Global Parameters. In the figure below, we have added two dimensions to the walls.
In the Global Parameters dialog box (Manage tab – Settings Panel – Global Parameters), create three new parameters – Width, Length and Area. The Length parameter is a “Reporting Parameter”, meaning it pulls the data from the project condition. The Area parameter is set to 10,000 SF. The Width parameter is set to be a conditional formula based on the Area divided by the Length. Apply the Length and Width parameters to the dimensions as Labels.
Next, move the end wall. The front wall adjusts automatically to hold the overall area at 10,000 s.f.
While this is a very simple example, it is a very quick and easy way to figure dimensions for a particular area of a space. Global Parameters may also be used to control the width of column bays, or the distance of a door from a partition wall intersection. The possibilities are endless!