Blog, Vlog and Podcast

BricsCAD Mechanical Parametric Parts & Arrays
One of BricsCAD’s unique features is the incorporation of parameters into a 3D model. A parameter is a user-defined or dependent value that can be linked to a 3D constraint.
BricsCAD Mechanical Exploded Views
You’ve finally completed your mechanical design which consists of dozens of subassemblies with hundreds of components each. Your next task: create an exploded view for a layout. After spending weeks
Revit Project Templates
Creating project templates in Revit sometimes gets pushed aside for more billable work. However, having functional project templates can save time and money by eliminating repetitive setup procedures. Revit project
Revit Family Templates
Revit ships with default Family templates used to create custom Families. Specific Family templates contain appropriate parameters, reference planes, and sometimes geometry for the Family Type. While it is not