Blog, Vlog and Podcast

Technology adoption presents changes and challenges for those in the Construction industry. In the latest episode of The Frozen Layer podcast, David Mills, Technology Specialist at ZenTek Consultants, joins us

BIM vs 3D Models

In this podcast episode, we discuss the difference between Building Information Models and 3D Models, as well as determining which one you need. Learn more about Matterport and our services
Buttons and Text Controls For Data: TekFlow for Government and Public Facilities
Clicking on buttons and linked text on a page is a standard concept for anyone in the modern world. We do it every day on the web and our mobile,

BricsCAD Point Groups

BricsCAD Civil Explorer panel
How do BricsCAD point groups work for civil points? Let’s start by Setting the workspace to Civil to display the Home tab with the options for surfaces, points, alignments, and