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CAD Standards

At some point we all need help getting our CAD Standards developed to the extent we really need. It doesn’t matter what industry we’re in, or what product we use. At the end of the day we’re simply too busy with billable projects to devote the extensive time and effort required to get our company CAD Standards fully developed. Or, maybe, you have Standards but they’re out-of-date and you want to bring them in line with current practices. Whatever the case, CAD Standards are vital and ZenTek Consultants, one of the premier CAD Management and support firms in the U.S. today, is here to help.

Whether you’re moving to the latest version of your CAD system, or you just need help organizing and completing the standards you’ve cobbled together over the years, ZenTek is here to help. Our technical staff has decades of experience developing, adjusting, and implementing CAD Standards that are specific to each client’s needs. We have specialists standing by to help you with Standards development for AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Revit, BricsCAD, BricsCAD BIM, and just about any other CAD system you’re working with. Civil, manufacturing, mechanical, architectural . . . the industry doesn’t matter: ZenTek can help save you time and money on every project.

We consult directly with our clients to gain a full understanding of their current design process and talk to all stakeholders to ensure we know exactly what the end users' needs are, so we can automate the final output to each company’s specific needs. We specialize in helping clients determine industry best practices, and developing standards focused on automation and simple, yet consistent, output on every one of their projects.

  • Ongoing design/drafting support
  • Block library development
  • Full CAD Standards development
  • Current CAD Standards review
  • pgrades
  • Maintenance for patches/updates
  • Workflow/Recommendations review
  • New computer CAD installation & configuration
  • New and existing user training

Want to know more about how we can help you with your CAD standards? Give us a call at 866-824-4459 or simply fill out the form below with your specific needs and we'll get back to you shortly.

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