Civil 3D Corridors for Real World Use


It’s one thing to build a simple, linear corridor in Civil 3D, but it’s quite another to deal with the complex infrastructure many of us are faced with daily. Intersections, elbows, cul-de-sacs, and hammerhead type road designs have the reputation of being so difficult to handle with Civil 3D Corridors that many of us never

Event Series Storm and Sanitary Analysis Simplified

Storm and Sanitary Analysis Simplified


Are you still using out-of-date software like HEC-RAS, StormCAD, or Hydraflow to try to integrate your hydrology designs with Civil 3D? Are you wasting countless hours manually marking up hard copies of files to get your storm and wastewater design information into construction documents? Stop carrying multiple software licenses and losing hundreds of man-hours on

Event Series Roadway Design in Civil 3D

Roadway Design in Civil 3D


Developing reliable road designs inside Civil 3D is a vital component of the Residential Site design process. From initial Alignment layout, through profiling, and the creation of 3D Corridors and finished road surfaces, residential road design is a must-have capability for every civil designer and technician. This course will take students through a step-by-step development

Event Series Civil 3D for Surveyors

Civil 3D for Surveyors


Survey drafting in AutoCAD Civil 3D has a reputation of being far more difficult than it actually is. You don’t need to work with external databases and Field can handle all your drafting using basic Civil 3D features. From initial Point import, Point Groups, Descriptor Keys and all the way thru surface creation and