All prices in USD. For imperial units only.
ZenEstimate Concrete incorporates over 200 takeoff symbols with associated finishes, admixtures, pricing, and size variants that all work inside Bluebeam Revu, using Imperial units. ZenEstimate Concrete comes with a dozen separate Custom Columns to track all your concrete-related work, that integrates directly with our concrete symbols. These custom metadata columns let you easily calculate volumes, lengths, counts, as well as tag additional information like finishes, details & templates, and much more using simple clicks. Not only does ZenEstimate Concrete give you quantities, but it also lets you enter line-item costs, and more, for all your concrete components.
Purchase is for a single user annual license. See what's included at
This is an add-on tool for Bluebeam Revu. Bluebeam Revu software is required for use and is sold separately.