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Civil 3D Kickstart

Civil 3D is the powerhouse of the civil design world, but the truth is that most of us who use it aren’t comfortable with the standards and styles we have in place. Far too often we’re stuck using out-of-the-box display and label styles, mixed with a few we’ve cobbled together on our own, and just accepting the sloppy, time-consuming, and unreliable results we get.

We all know that the key to efficiency and reliable output in Civil 3D is to have a well-developed set of templates, styles, and standards, but who has the detailed knowledge, or extensive amount of time needed, to develop those in your firm?

That’s where ZenTek Consultant’s Civil 3D Kickstart program comes in. We’ve developed an array of templates, tools, and processes that you can use to give your firm the productivity, reliability, and clean output that you’ve always wanted without having to lose hundreds of hours of productivity from your best employees.

The Kickstart program lets you choose the Civil 3D components that are vital to the work you do and add additional components as you need them. We include consulting time to help you determine your needs, help you get the Kickstart up and running, and additional support time once the Kickstart is complete. We also include demonstration and training time for your staff on how to use our standards and styles to their best benefit.

Download the Civil 3D Kickstart program brochure for information on what's included.

Want to get started with AutoCAD Civil 3D? Give us a call at 866-824-4459 or simply fill out the form below with your specific needs and we'll get back to you shortly.

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