The Civil 3D Hydrology Toolbox Exposed

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8 CPC/CEU credits

Have you ever wondered how the hydrology tools that are built into AutoCAD Civil 3D work and what the differences are? Would you like to get the most out of your gravity pipe networks by integrating them into the design process? AutoCAD Civil 3D software has three hydrology applications that work with pipe networks and other Civil 3D features. Improve your efficiency and productivity by knowing which hydrology solution would be the right tool for your current design needs.

This eight (8) hour Civil 3D Hydrology Toolbox course is delivered in four (4), two-hour long sessions that students can attend online, right from their own desk. A live instructor will explain the detailed functions, and address questions as the class progresses.

Note: Instructor will present using Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2025. Students who wish to follow along with the instructor are encouraged to use the same version.

Prerequisite: Students should have a working knowledge of AutoCAD Civil 3D.

Recording: Registrants for this course will receive access to a recording of each session for 7 consecutive days. Access will start the next business day after the session ends.

Must attend all four sessions.

Session 1: Storm and Sanitary Analysis for Pre and Post Development

  • Setting up AutoCAD Civil 3D for Hydrology
  • Analyzing the Pre-Dev Basin
  • Preparing the Post-Dev Basin
  • Configuring Outlet Control Structures for post development
  • Running Reports

Session 2: Storm and Sanitary Analysis for Inlet and Pipe Design

  • Using Civil 3D Structure Properties with SSA
  • Building IDF Curves
  • Setting Structure and Conveyance Controls
  • Connecting Sub-Basins and Structures
  • Working with By-Pass Flow
  • Running the Network Analysis
  • Creating Reports
  • Updating Civil 3D

Session 3: Storm Sewers for Inlet and Pipe Design

  • Creating IDF Curves
  • Configuring Pipe and Structure Details
  • Running the Analysis
  • Adjusting the Analysis
  • Creating Reports
  • Updating Civil 3D

Session 4: Analyze Gravity Network in Civil 3D

  • Diving Deep into Structure Properties
  • Using Catchments in the Drainage Analysis
  • Running Analyze Gravity Network
  • Making Global Adjustments on Pipes and Structures
  • Running HEC 22 Reports

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