$525 per person (in the US and Canada) | 8 CPC/CEU credits
The Grading Optimization tool in AutoCAD Civil 3D is the biggest change to the grading process since the advent of Corridors. Grading Optimization allows you to define grading areas for items like zones, curbs, ramps, low points, parking lots, etc., using simple polylines. From there, AutoCAD Civil 3D handles the entire site grading process for you, even incorporating site cut/fill balancing, to provide you with the most efficient grading possible, all without you defining slopes, breaklines, and all the other controls you've manually put in for so many years.
This eight (8) hour course is delivered in four (4), two-hour long sessions that students can attend online, right from their own desk. A live instructor will explain the detailed functions, and address questions as the class progresses.
Note: Instructor will present using Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2025. Students who wish to follow along with instructor are encouraged to use the same version.
Prerequisite: Students should have a working knowledge of AutoCAD Civil 3D.
Recording: Registrants for this course will receive access to a recording of each session for 7 consecutive days. Access will start the next business day after the session ends.
Must attend all four sessions.
Session 1: Intro to Grading Optimization
- Understanding Grading Optimization
- Grading Optimization Interface
- Optimization Tool Types Explained
- Understanding Zones
- Visualizations & Tools
Session 2: Grading Optimization Basics
- Preliminary Site Requirements
- Using Existing Site Features
- Working with Polylines and Feature Lines
- Working with Point and Line Grading Objects
- Using Closed Geometry Grading Objects
Session 3: Working with Grading Optimization Output
- Using Grading Optimization Results in Civil 3D
- Working with Feature Lines
- Editing Feature Line Geometry
- Editing Feature Line Elevations
- Fine tuning the Grading Optimization Surface
Session 4: Grading Optimization
- Planning Optimizations
- Utilizing Multiple Drainage Areas
- Placing Drainage Elements
- More with Feature Lines
- Adding Slope Projections
- Updating the Civil 3D Model